Friday, March 03, 2006


2005, US, directed by Tony Scott

While it's not exactly original -- the structure, if not the hyper-kinetic visual style, owes much to Quentin Tarantino -- I'm still surprised that Domino wasn't a bigger box-office hit given the sheer amount of energy with which Domino Harvey's story is (fictionally) told. The movie never, ever slows down (which is lucky, because the details of the central crime spree are well-nigh incomprehensible), Keira Knightley is appealingly and convincingly spunky, and there's a liberal dose of humor, particularly at the expense of two Beverly Hills, 90210 cast members. 

Tony Scott's color scheme and frenzied editing are a bit of a trip at times, but that's the whole point of conveying the lives of three bounty hunters hopped up on adrenaline and nicotine, bending and breaking the law at every turn. The characters at the heart of the movie might be complete moral basket cases, but they sure look like they're having fun, and it's nice to see Mickey Rourke get his teeth into a role again.

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